We are seeking members to assist on the following committees. If you would like to share your talents and ideas with the membership and want to make a difference in your profession, contact one of the Committee Chairs below:
Membership Committee: The goal of this committee is to foster the development and recruitment of the state assembly members and non-members through communication.
Jennifer Jordan/Brooke Oliver - Co Chairs
Student Involvement Committee: The goal of this committee is to encourage and develop student participation in the state assembly.
Jennifer Jordan - Chair
Emily Gregg
Fundraising Committee: The goal of this committee is to research and/or develop products or events to be utilized by the state assembly for fundraising.
Tanisha Bonner- Chair
Community Outreach and Awareness Committee: The goal of this committee is to educate the public about the profession of surgical technology and encourage members to participate in community outreach activities.
Sonya Conton - Chair
Melissa Jensen
Education Committee: The goal of this committee is to enhance the profession for better patient care through quality education and standards of practice.
Emily Gregg
Bridgette Hoffenkamp
For questions or assistance with CEUs, please email Brooke Oliver or Emily Gregg at [email protected]