With the pandemic affecting all aspects of life, the Illinois State Assembly of Surgical Technologists’ Board of Directors is looking for your experiences, your unique perspectives, and your stories of how you are persisting through these trying times. We would like to feature short videos highlighting students’ stories each week on our social media sites to help each other get through this pandemic together.
If you would like to submit a video to be featured, please email your video with your name, city, and program to Brooke Oliver at [email protected]. You will be notified by email when your video will be featured on our social media sites.
Please follow us on our Facebook page at “Illinois State Assembly of Surgical Technologists” or Instagram at “Illinois State Assembly”.
If you would like to submit a video to be featured, please email your video with your name, city, and program to Brooke Oliver at [email protected]. You will be notified by email when your video will be featured on our social media sites.
Please follow us on our Facebook page at “Illinois State Assembly of Surgical Technologists” or Instagram at “Illinois State Assembly”.